
I recently transitioned to a mostly whole-foods plant-based diet. If this is a topic that triggers you, I can sympathise. I used to be massively triggered by it myself, too.

I distinctly remember a news article a few years back, outlining why even organic meat wasn’t a decent enough choice. At the time I prided myself in only occasionally eating meat and, if so, it was organic, of course. What else would a responsible consumer eat?

But this article didn’t let this pass and consequently really rubbed me the wrong way. Is there nothing I can do right any more, even buying all organic?

I forced myself to keep reading as my resistance grew and grew with every line and argument. The article clarified how little better off the animals were under organic production conditions and that there were in fact no differences at all when it came to slaughtering procedures.

Now that, well, how am I supposed to avoid that? After all, there was no “kinder” alternative I could purchase.

It didn’t occur to me at the time that I could simply stop purchasing meat altogether. So I didn’t. Nor did I give up other animal products. I kept telling myself that buying organic was all I could do. I did make sure, though, to only buy eggs from farms that also raised male chickens from then onwards. In all honesty, I simply wasn’t ready to give up the sensory pleasure I got from consuming animal products.

This all changed when I came across the YouTube channel of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. I was drawn to it for health reasons. The channel features interviews with expert physicians only. So there is a certain reliability to the information they present. I started learning about the health benefits of a whole-foods plant-based diet. That it could not only prevent but reverse heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer and a whole range of auto-immune conditions. Evidence-based.

Now, I don’t have any of those health scares, fortunately. But I don’t want to in the future either. So I listened ever more intently. The evidence provided was astounding, even though I was, of course, aware of the general health benefits of eating your greens, vegetables and fruit.

It was the magnitude of change that could be achieved by an act as simple as changing your diet that hit me like a brick. Most major health-related causes of premature death in western society do in fact not need exist. And I had a major say in how healthy I would be in my years ahead.

I still wasn’t fully on board, though. I was considering to sneak in a few extra helpings of legumes and flax seeds and oats. But to go all in? Nah. Until I watched one interview with Neal Barnard, the founder of the Physicians Committee. He delivered that one line that sent me down the rabbit hole of learning ever more about and finally dipping my toe into the whole-foods plant-based diet.

He said that he understood people’s need for a slow transition. After all, they’d have to give up part, or a even a lot, of their usual diet. Yet, the full benefits of changing your diet would be best observable if you went in cold turkey. Even if only for 30 days. This is how long it takes for a number of health markers to change noticeably. And for your taste buds to adapt.

Now, I could do 30 days, could I?

So I did. And since I don’t do things half-heartedly, I also dropped coffee and alcohol that same month, together with meat, fish, eggs and all dairy products. Might as well do a general detox.

I knew it was going to be hard. After all, I was a dedicated hobby chef and pretty set in my cooking ways. So I armoured myself with a few books and some documentaries to strengthen my resolve. You know, the animal rights and health classics, as well as some plant-based cookbooks.

To cut a long story short, what was planned as a 30-day trial ended up becoming my new normal.

By the time I finished the experiment I had actually lost much of my appetite for coffee (not quite for a good glass of whine, though) and acquired a taste for more healthful foods. I also felt better, slept better, had shed some of my Corona pounds, and my skin, my ever problematic skin, had cleared up.

If that wasn’t enough to persuade me, the books and documentaries that were meant to help me through those 30 days in fact ended up cutting off my way back. I had learned so much about the atrocities done to animals in the name of food production that I could no longer pretend to not know. And most importantly, I had also eventually come to realize that animal agriculture accounts for more CO2 emissions than all of worldwide transport together, a staggering third of global CO2 emissions, that is.

I had always considered myself climate-conscious and tried to do my bit, while really feeling quite powerless about it. How much of a difference could I as an individual make in the big picture of things?

Well, it turns out that eating an organic whole-foods plant-based diet is not only good for the climate, it’s also good for the restoration of biodiversity, the healing of our soils, the healing of our bodies, the solving of our healthcare crisis, as well as combating water scarcity and world hunger. It might not be a panacea for all of today’s most pressing challenges but it certainly is a very simple and effective way to do your bit on an individual level and treat the planet more gently. It’s the huge elephant in the room.

So now I sit here, ten month after going plant-based, writing a blog post that I myself would have resisted reading a few years back. I cannot help but see the irony involved. So this entry most likely won’t change your diet, the same way the aforementioned article didn’t change mine. But maybe you will remember it once something else does, whenever it does.

And since you have come this far, might I just as well suggest you watch this new documentary I discovered today? It’s very digestible, I promise. It spares you attention-grabbing, stomach-turning images of animal torture. Those alone certainly never persuaded me, as I felt they were deliberately showcasing the worst of it.

What this documentary does is to simply and quietly show the effects of animal agriculture on the ecosystems we as humans rely on. In numbers, in some beautiful and some not so beautiful images. Narrated by the wonderful Kate Winslet.

It’s something even a sceptic could watch.

Try me.


Feature image Pixabay.com/Clker

12 thoughts on “(M)eat

  1. I admire your dedication.

    Apparently studies have shown that while vegetarians are more likely to live longer – health conscious meat eaters can live equally as long. The most important thing is that no matter what you choose to eat, stay away from sugary, processed foods and get enough exercise!

    So, I’m going to stick to my diet that includes protein-rich food such as beef, fish, pork, chicken, dairy and nuts because it is recommended to slow the deterioration of elderly people’s muscles. (The Health, Aging and Body Composition Study showed that animal protein, not plant protein, was required.) So far, so good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Margy. I appreciate your honest input.

      Diet certainly is a hotly debated topic, making evidence-based discussions a rare treat. I read up on the study you mentioned and learned that, indeed, conservation of muscle mass in old age is important for longevity which I wasn’t aware of yet.

      I didn’t find any mention of protein intake in this study (maybe I didn’t look up the right one) but looked up related studies suggesting that protein intake, especially from animal sources, may be associated with a better preservation of muscle mass index in older women, with one possible reason being that plant proteins contain a lower proportion of essential amino acids. However, studies have also shown that vegetarians could counteract this deficit by ingesting a combination of high-quality plant proteins such as soya, beans, whole grains and nuts containing all essential amino acids.

      I’m not a nutrition expert, only trying to find my way around trustworthy resources. From my amateurish standpoint, I find it appealing that a whole-foods plant-based diet seems to help circumvent most major health scares while, at the same time, being suitable for maintaining muscle mass, provided the plant-based diet is well-balanced.

      Either way, I certainly agree that a health-conscious diet free from sugary and highly-processed foods is a huge leap in the right direction. As is regular exercise.

      So, no matter what we eat, I wish both of us a long and healthy life with enough muscle mass. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Fortunately we still have the right to choose what we eat!

        My generation, raised with a diet that includes meat and having attained their senior years eating meat, will find little to no reason to change to a plant based diet. We’ve lived our lives knowing how meat gets to the grocer’s and accept that as part of the circle of life and death.

        Perhaps meatless will be the future for many people, but there will need to be a lot of well considered thought given to what to do with the billions of domesticated meat animals and how to replace the by-products of these animals, such as manure, wool, leather, dog food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, household, and industrial products.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, diet is certainly under heavy generational as well as cultural influence. My mom is plant-curious and will try new recipes but I don’t count on or expect her to change the main bulk of her diet anytime soon, if ever.

        As for the future, I don’t know if it will be meatless. But we almost certainly will need to find more sustainable ways to feed (and nourish) ourselves. It’s probably going to be a transition lead by many young people who also have to find new viable answers to the questions you rightly pose. To be honest, I’m half-curious, half-worried about what’s going to happen.

        So, thank you for engaging so openly and truthfully. I really appreciate this. It helps maintain open-mindedness on both sides of the plate. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. PS: I really like the scope and focus of your blog. I recognise part of my own inner journey in what you describe as yours, especially the breaking away from the “overabundance of the concrete”. Beautifully put. Reconnecting with nature, and thereby my own physical (and energetic) connection with it, keeps contributing to me becoming well again on so many levels.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, I agree, Nature is healing through and through! I’m happy you like my blog & found some parallels with our personal stories. It’s great to discover a kindred spirit! Thanks for reading many of my posts & following me! 🌞

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