My better feeling choice

If you’ve read my ‘what if’ post you will know that I’ve come to the conclusion that I might want to try living like a leaf floating down a river. For the sake of experiencing a different kind of life: one of less struggle, one of more flow. Now, as you can imagine, it’s quite a quantum leap from furiously paddling upstream, as I used to, to floating downstream without resistance. So I’ve come up with a different mode of transportation for now: Walking on stepping stones. Downstream.

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Don’t run from it, embrace it

The last few months were a bit of a mini earthquake for me. The big earthquake had already happened before, when I lost all that I had held dear, my marriage, my emotional home and my job satisfaction. The mini earthquake came as an aftermath of what had happened. It’s all the realizations I have had since. And they are no less disturbing than the previous events. The only thing that’s “mini” about them is that they are not easily seen on the outside. As they happened on the inside.

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